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Stream Classes in C++

                                 Stream Classes

What is the Stream Classes ?

The C++ I/O system contains a hierarchy of classes (known as stream classes) that are used for reading and writing by programs.

There are two types I/O  used in High level language of  the  C++  I/O in the :
1) Unformmated I/O
2) Formatted I/O

1) Unformmated I/O: Unformatted I/O uses functions :

  •    put()
  •    putline()
  •    get()
  •    getline()
  •    write()
  •    ignore()
  •    putback()
  •    peek()
  •    gcount()
  •   overloaded opreators >> (extraction ) are used in cin (cin means take a input of  the variable ) and <<(insertion)  are using the cout (cout means gives a output of the variable) in the program.
2) Formatted I/O: Formatted I/O uses functions :

  • width()
  • precision()
  • fiill()
  • setf()
  • unsetf()
  • Stream manipulators ( Defines the no the functions is called the manipulators  for example :      cout <<mani1<<mani2<<mani3<<mani4<<product;  show the all mani1 ,mani2,..,mani4  is manipulators )

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