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Binary Search Tree

  Binary Search Tree in Data Structure 

  Binary Search Tree (BST)  is Node Base Tree in Data Structure . BST used in program then result output is very fast . Beacause it easily sorting of data. It invented of 1960 by P.F. Windley, A.D. Booth, A.J.T Colin , and  T.N Hibbard . BST is also called Ordered or Sorted Binery Tree.

Benifit of using of BST :
  1. Fast Addition
  2. Fast Sorting
  3. Fast Lookup
  4. Removal of Items 
  5. Very Easily find the contact number in Phone  and so on. 
Main Three Operations of BST:
  1. Insertion of elements,
  2. Deletion of elements,
  3. Lookup of elements (checking whether a key is present in Data ).It also called Searching.
Types of BST:
  1. AVL Tree
  2. Red Black Tree
  3. B Tree
  4. Splay Tree .

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